R Language Cheat Sheet

  1. R Studio Stats Cheat Sheet
  2. R Commands Cheat Sheet
  3. R Statistics Cheat Sheet

In a previous post, I described how I was captivated by the virtual landscape imagined by the RStudio education team while looking for resources on the RStudio website. In this post, I’ll take a look atCheatsheets another amazing resource hiding in plain sight. Vidbox video conversion for mac download.

R has 657 built in color names To see a list of names: colors These colors are displayed on P. R color cheatsheet Finding a good color scheme for presenting data can be challenging. This color cheatsheet will help! R uses hexadecimal to represent colors Hexadecimal is a base-16 number system used to describe color. The R Cheat Sheet is a key component of in learning the R programming language efficiently. We teach the cheat sheet in our Business Analysis With R (DS4B 101-R) Coursethat is the first course in the Data Science For Business R-Track. Cheat Sheets by Tag; Cheat Sheets by Language; Cheat Sheet Links; Create. Getting Started. DRAFT: Introduction to Package R Cheat Sheet. R Commands for MATH 143 Examples of usage. R Commands for MATH 143 Examples of usage. 0-require(lattice)-1 0. Typically the R shell is used to try things out and the serial commands written in the R language and saved in a file are used to automate operations once the sequence is well-defined and debugged. While it is not a great language for procedural programming, it does excel at mathematical and statistical manipulations.

Apparently, some time ago when I wasn’t paying much attention, cheat sheets evolved from the home made study notes of students with highly refined visual cognitive skills, but a relatively poor grasp of algebra or history or whatever to an essential software learning tool. I don’t know how this happened in general, but master cheat sheet artist Garrett Grolemund has passed along some of the lore of the cheat sheet at RStudio. Garrett writes:

One day I put two and two together and realized that our Winston Chang, who I had known for a couple of years, was the same “W Chang” that made the LaTex cheatsheet that I’d used throughout grad school. It inspired me to do something similarly useful, so I tried my hand at making a cheatsheet for Winston and Joe’s Shiny package. The Shiny cheatsheet ended up being the first of many. A funny thing about the first cheatsheet is that I was working next to Hadley at a co-working space when I made it. In the time it took me to put together the cheatsheet, he wrote the entire first version of the tidyr package from scratch.

It is now hard to imagine getting by without cheat sheets. It seems as if they are becoming expected adjunct to the documentation. But, as Garret explains in the README for the cheat sheets GitHub repository, they are not documentation!

RStudio cheat sheets are not meant to be text or documentation! They are scannable visual aids that use layout and visual mnemonics to help people zoom to the functions they need. … Cheat sheets fall squarely on the human-facing side of software design.

Cheat sheets live in the space where human factors engineering gets a boost from artistic design. If R packages were airplanes then pilots would want cheat sheets to help them master the controls.

The RStudio site contains sixteen RStudio produced cheat sheets and nearly forty contributed efforts, some of which are displayed in the graphic above. The Data Transformation cheat sheet is a classic example of a straightforward mnemonic tool.It is likely that even someone who just beginning to work with dplyr will immediately grok that it organizes functions that manipulate tidy data. The cognitive load then is to remember how functions are grouped by task. The cheat sheet offers a canonical set of classes: “manipulate cases”, “manipulate variables” etc. to facilitate the process. Users that work with dplyr on a regular basis will probably just need to glance at the cheat sheet after a relatively short time.

The Shiny cheat sheet is little more ambitious. It works on multiple levels and goes beyond categories to also suggest process and workflow.

The Apply functions cheat sheet takes on an even more difficult task. For most of us, internally visualizing multi-level data structures is difficult enough, imaging how data elements flow under transformations is a serious cognitive load. I for one, really appreciate the help.

R Studio Stats Cheat Sheet

Cheat sheets are immensely popular. And even in this ebook age where nearly everything you can look at is online, and conference attending digital natives travel light, the cheat sheets as artifacts retain considerable appeal. Not only are they useful tools and geek art (Take a look at cartography) for decorating a workplace, my guess is that they are perceived as runes of power enabling the cognoscenti to grasp essential knowledge and project it in the world.

When in-person conferences resume again, I fully expect the heavy paper copies to disappear soon after we put them out at the RStudio booth.

This post updates a previous very popular post 50+ Data Science, Machine Learning Cheat Sheets by Bhavya Geethika. If we missed some popular cheat sheets, add them in the comments below.

Cheatsheets on Python, R and Numpy, Scipy, Pandas

Data science is a multi-disciplinary field. Thus, there are thousands of packages and hundreds of programming functions out there in the data science world! An aspiring data enthusiast need not know all. A cheat sheet or reference card is a compilation of mostly used commands to help you learn that language’s syntax at a faster rate. Here are the most important ones that have been brainstormed and captured in a few compact pages.

Mastering Data science involves understanding of statistics, mathematics, programming knowledge especially in R, Python & SQL and then deploying a combination of all these to derive insights using the business understanding & a human instinct—that drives decisions.

Here are the cheat sheets by category:

Cheat sheets for Python:

Python is a popular choice for beginners, yet still powerful enough to back some of the world’s most popular products and applications. It's design makes the programming experience feel almost as natural as writing in English. Python basics or Python Debugger cheat sheets for beginners covers important syntax to get started. Community-provided libraries such as numpy, scipy, sci-kit and pandas are highly relied on and the NumPy/SciPy/Pandas Cheat Sheet provides a quick refresher to these.

  1. Python Cheat Sheet by DaveChild via cheatography.com
  2. Python Basics Reference sheet via cogsci.rpi.edu
  3. OverAPI.com Python cheatsheet
  4. Python 3 Cheat Sheet by Laurent Pointal

Cheat sheets for R:

The R's ecosystem has been expanding so much that a lot of referencing is needed. The R Reference Card covers most of the R world in few pages. The Rstudio has also published a series of cheat sheets to make it easier for the R community. The data visualization with ggplot2 seems to be a favorite as it helps when you are working on creating graphs of your results.

R Commands Cheat Sheet

At cran.r-project.org:

At Rstudio.com:

  1. R markdown cheatsheet, part 2


R Statistics Cheat Sheet

  1. DataCamp’s Data Analysis the data.table way

Cheat sheets for MySQL & SQL:

For a data scientist basics of SQL are as important as any other language as well. Both PIG and Hive Query Language are closely associated with SQL- the original Structured Query Language. SQL cheatsheets provide a 5 minute quick guide to learning it and then you may explore Hive & MySQL!

  1. SQL for dummies cheat sheet

Cheat sheets for Spark, Scala, Java:

Apache Spark is an engine for large-scale data processing. For certain applications, such as iterative machine learning, Spark can be up to 100x faster than Hadoop (using MapReduce). The essentials of Apache Spark cheatsheet explains its place in the big data ecosystem, walks through setup and creation of a basic Spark application, and explains commonly used actions and operations.

  1. Dzone.com’s Apache Spark reference card
  2. DZone.com’s Scala reference card
  3. Openkd.info’s Scala on Spark cheat sheet
  4. Java cheat sheet at MIT.edu
  5. Cheat Sheets for Java at Princeton.edu

Cheat sheets for Hadoop & Hive:

Hadoop emerged as an untraditional tool to solve what was thought to be unsolvable by providing an open source software framework for the parallel processing of massive amounts of data. Explore the Hadoop cheatsheets to find out Useful commands when using Hadoop on the command line. A combination of SQL & Hive functions is another one to check out.

Cheat sheets for web application framework Django:

Django is a free and open source web application framework, written in Python. If you are new to Django, you can go over these cheatsheets and brainstorm quick concepts and dive in each one to a deeper level.

  1. Django cheat sheet part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4

Cheat sheets for Machine learning:

R Language Cheat Sheet

We often find ourselves spending time thinking which algorithm is best? And then go back to our big books for reference! These cheat sheets gives an idea about both the nature of your data and the problem you're working to address, and then suggests an algorithm for you to try.

  1. Machine Learning cheat sheet at scikit-learn.org
  2. Scikit-Learn Cheat Sheet: Python Machine Learning from yhat (added by GP)
  3. Patterns for Predictive Learning cheat sheet at Dzone.com
  4. Equations and tricks Machine Learning cheat sheet at Github.com
  5. Supervised learning superstitions cheatsheet at Github.com

Cheat sheets for Matlab/Octave

MATLAB (MATrix LABoratory) was developed by MathWorks in 1984. Matlab d has been the most popular language for numeric computation used in academia. It is suitable for tackling basically every possible science and engineering task with several highly optimized toolboxes. MATLAB is not an open-sourced tool however there is an alternative free GNU Octave re-implementation that follows the same syntactic rules so that most of coding is compatible to MATLAB.

Cheat sheets for Cross Reference between languages
