Wamp环境搭建好后,接下来我们看一下在phpstorm下的调试环境如何配置和搭建 配置php interpreter 找到设置-语言和框架-PHP 在路径找到之间安装wamp时,装好的php.exe和php.ini两个文件路径,设置好后填上去即可。.
- Wamp环境搭建好后,接下来我们看一下在phpstorm下的调试环境如何配置和搭建 配置php interpreter 找到设置-语言和框架-PHP 在路径找到之间安装wamp时,装好的php.exe和php.ini两个文件路径,设置好后填上去即可。修改字体需要先保存一个方案,然后才可以修改字体以及字体大小,行间距等。.
- Installing WAMP on Windows Computer. First, you need to download the WAMP software and install.
Developing for PHP can be done in several ways. Some like to install all components they want to work with themselves. Others prefer downloading and installing a full “LAMP” stack at once. The latter can be done using XAMPP (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) or MAMP (Mac OS X).
MAMP and XAMPP are packages that consist of an Apache HTTP server, MySQL database, PHP interpreter and some libraries. They are easy to install and get a development environment up in no time and provide all the components required for developing, running, debugging, and unit testing of PHP applications. Big mac apps download.
Phpstorm Configuration Wamp
On our tutorials space, we have posted two how-to guides that help you get started with any of these packages and PhpStorm. There is one tutorial available for MAMP and one for XAMPP.
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Phpstorm Wampserver 配置
Develop with pleasure!
– JetBrains PhpStorm Team