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Trident must be destroyed, not given to Westminster

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Comment on Craig Murray on ‘How To Spot A Twitter Troll’. Craig Murray summarizes: “It is a matter of simple fact that the British government employs a very large number of people whose full time job is to influence the political narrative on social media. The latest tweets from @JolyonMaugham.

There appears to be a presumption that upon Scottish Independence, the Trident submarine fleet and its incredibly destructive WMD’s must simply be handed over to Westminster by Holyrood. That is wrong in international law; if the weapons remain on the territory of Scotland, a sovereign state, it will be for… »

Novichok, Navalny, Nordstream, Nonsense

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Roger Waters on Julian Assange In London

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Assange in Court

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Assange Must Not Also Die in Jail

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Julian Assange: The Missing Step

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Venezuela and Binary Choice

When a CIA-backed military coup is attempted by a long term CIA puppet, roared on by John Bolton and backed with the offer of Blackwater mercenaries, in the country with the world’s largest oil reserves, I have no difficulty whatsoever in knowing which side… »

The official Skripal story is a dead duck

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Chelsea and Julian are in jail. History trembles.

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The Vultures of Caracas

Craig Murray Twitter Page

We are frequently told that people in Venezuela have no food, clothing or toilet paper, and that popular discontent with the left wing government is driven by real hunger. There are elements of truth in this story, though the causes of economic dislocation are far more complex than the media… »

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James Doleman reports on the case of Craig Murray, who wrote about the former Scottish First Minister’s trial last year

A former British ambassador and prominent Scottish writer and blogger is facing up to two years in prison over his reporting of Alex Salmond’s trial last year.

At a virtual hearing, before three senior Scottish judges, the crown alleged that Craig Murray, 62, had, via his blog and Twitter feed, created a “substantial risk of prejudicing the trial” and that he had published information likely to identify the women who had made accusations of sexual assault against the former Scottish First Minister.

The Advocate Depute, Alec Prentice QC, told the hearing that Murray was also responsible for comments made by others on his blog as these had not been properly moderated.

Responding for the defence, advocate John Scott said that his client was a well-known campaigner for open justice, an issue he said Murray has a “sincere and genuine commitment to”. He also noted that the former British diplomat had known the names of the women before a court order was issued banning their publication and could have legally named them, but had decided not to. (Unlike in England, where it is an offence to publish the name of any alleged victims of sexual assault, in Scotland it takes a specific court order to prohibit this).


The two sides disagreed on the issue of “jigsaw identification”, with the crown arguing that this should be interpreted broadly and that it could therefore even include the publishing of information that would allow someone who worked in the same building as the complainant to identify them.

The defence responded by arguing that this interpretation was incorrect as, on that reasoning, it would be “hard to see how anything could be published” about a sexual assault case as there would always be someone with some pieces of the jigsaw who could possibly discover a complainant’s identity. “It would make even responsible reporting impossible,” Scott said.


Judge Lady Dorian noted that there could be an alleged assault at a building society and even reporting the location could lead to some people to identifying the complainant.

At the end of the hearing, the three-judge panel said it would retire to consider its verdict, which will be delivered in writing as soon as possible.

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