Rsync Backblaze

I previously had a duplicacy backup to backblaze b2, which I've just recently re-setup with FreeNAS, which works okay - but I had a thought about a more native way to do it. I started reading about and ZFS replication, which under my understanding allows me to sync my data and snapshots to - having it use the same 'language. Once you have a Backblaze B2 bucket ready to go, navigate to your Couchdrop Portal and navigate to your Storage on the left navigation menu Click Connect Storage and select Backblaze B2 from the dropdown You will need the following information. Once configured, click Save.

I've been self-hosting this blog on my Cloudron instance for a couple weeks now and have been getting nervous about data loss. Cloudron backs up to the local filesystem by default, but that doesn't help in the event of a catastrophe. Hp laserjet 1536dnf mfp printer driver download for mac.

Remote backups are indeed a must, and this post covers what I did to set them up. It was quick, easy and cheap.

Read the docs

Start with Cloudron's backup docs. They're brief but comprehensive.

Choose a storage provider

Cloudron integrates with a number of storage services like AWS S3, Backblaze B2 and Google Cloud Storage. Alternatively, you can use NFS and similar protocols to transfer files to one of your other machines.


I chose Backblaze B2 as a provider for the following reasons:

  • I'd used their personal backup solution and had been happy with it
  • It's cheaper than the competition and the first 10GB of storage are free
  • Backblaze is independent and has been around for many years
  • Their business model is user-focused and privacy-friendly
  • I didn't have another machine available to do backups to over NFS, etc.

Using the B2 storage calculator, I estimate I'll spend around $10/year for my Cloudron backups, so costs are negligible.

Configure remote backups

I won't repeat the instructions from Cloudron's B2 backup docs (they're simple), but here are a couple notes on the options you'll encounter.

Choose a storage format

I chose rsync over the default tgz storage format because rsync should require less storage and bandwidth, and thus a lower B2 bill. The tradeoff is that rsync may take longer than simple tgz uploads because many more requests can be involved. I'll have to see it goes in the long run, but so far I'm happy with it.


Encrypt files locally

Backblaze's personal backup solution integrates end-to-end encryption, but its B2 service does not. To avoid storing your backups in cleartext, you must encrypt them locally prior to upload. Fortunately, Cloudron provides integrated support for doing so and encrypts both file names and contents. Just set a passphrase and you're good to go.

Test everything

Using Rsync For Backups

Merely enabling remote backups without testing them risks giving a false sense of security. For example, are you certain you wrote down your encryption passphrase correctly? Here's how to do a complete app recovery to make sure it works as expected.

Run a manual app backup

  1. Create a backup of one of your apps
  2. Verify that the upload shows up as expected in your storage provider's web interface (optional)

Recover the app from scratch

Cloudron supports cloning a new app from a backup and restoring an existing app to one of its prior backups, but the best way to simulate a real disaster scenario is to recover a backup 'from scratch', i.e. into a newly installed app. Assuming the app you've just backed up is named blog, take the following steps:

  1. Install a fresh instance of the app with a different name e.g. blog2
  2. Import your backup into it
  3. Verify recovery worked , i.e. all your data shows up
  4. Uninstall (delete) the blog2 app

Doing it this way mimics restoring from backup into a brand new Cloudron instance or migrating an app from one Cloudron instance to another. In the process, you'll be forced to manually enter your storage provider secret key as well as your encryption passphrase, so you'll know for sure that both are written down correctly.

Rest easy

This process helped me appreciate just how smooth Cloudron makes working with backup and recovery. It took me under an hour and my concerns about data loss are gone.

NOTICE: JetBackup 5 is now available in the Stable Tier. For more information, please visit our Jetbackup 5 Documentation.
  1. Create an account at using one of the pricing plans from
  2. After filling up your details at wait for your account to be created and for rsync welcome email titled 'Your filesystem is ready'.

Robo 3t mac download. Login to your server using SSH:

In your SSH console generate the SSH Keypair by running:

Upload your public key by running the following commands.
On the first one please change the USER_ID and HOST_ADDRESS to the username and host address mailed to you from
On the second one, you will be asked to enter your password a few times.
After running those command please verify that your key was registered successfully by running the following command
This command shouldn't ask for password and should print the ls output on the remote server.
  1. Specify 'Type' as ''.
  2. Write a name for your destination.
  3. Write your remote hostname and account username as mailed to you from
  4. Write you private key: ~/.ssh/rsyncnet_rsa
  5. Click the 'save' button.

An example configuration page for the destination:

Destination Name

A generic name for your internal ease of use, so it will be easier to recognize the backup destination roll, in case you have more than one. Max length is 40 characters.

Choose Backup Engine

JetBackup will need to index and read files from this destination. Since each backupengine has it's own file structure, JetBackup will need to know what to look forin the destination when indexing the backups.
Selecting cPanel as the Backup Engine allows JetBackup to index cPanel generated backupson the destination which allows you and your clients access and restore from these backupsthrough the JetBackup interface. For full incremental backups generated with the cPanel Engine,JetBackup intelligently indexes these backups to its appropriate parts(Databases, Emails etc.)allowing you and your clients to restore full and individual parts of the backup.
With this option selected, you can schedule when to reindex the destination for backups.It is recommended to schedule it after the cPanel backup is done to ensure the most accurate data.
Please note that this does not let JetBackup generate backups using the cPanel Engine.

Linux rsync backup

Backup Directory

This will be our starting point when accessing this destination.
There are two ways to get to each directory: Relative, Absolute
Let say your home dir is '/home'
Relative path ./ will point to the absolute path /home/USERNAME
- on the same principle FOLDER will be the remote user's home dir subdirectory /home/USERNAME/FOLDER.
Make sure that you always have the right permission to the path you're using.

Please make sure that your destination path is secure and has the appropriate privileges.
For more information click on How To Secure Local Backup Storage.

Free Disk Space Limit

Rsync Backblaze

This option checks if the destination's disk space has reached the specified limit before it executes the backup. Snagit for mac free download crack. When enabled, JetBackup will not perform the backup when the used disk space is over the specified limit.

Remote Host

The remote host to log in with. Your host address as mailed to you from


Your remote port. Default port is 22.

Remote Username

The remote user to login with. Your username as mailed to you from

Private Key

Mac Rsync Backup

Since we are using rsync for backups, we will need to set up access keys between the servers, so we can log in to the remote server without prompting for a password.If empty, it will be automatically created by JetBackup.To find a guide for that, search for ssh without password.

Linux Rsync Backup

Connection Timeout

Timeout for the connection. The default value is 30 (The Connection Time Out in seconds), you can increase this if the connection to the remote server is poor and you might face longer timeout issues.

Rsync Bandwidth Limit

Limit rsync bandwidth.

Rsync Prefer IPv4/IPv6

Choose your preferred IP version.