Npm Is Not Recognized In Visual Studio Code

  1. If you have npm installed but still see a warning message, you can explicitly tell VS Code where npm is installed with the typescript.npm setting. This should be set to the full path of the npm executable on your machine, and this does not have to match the version of npm.
  2. Run NPM scripts in Visual Studio Code with a Single Click Recently, I wondered if there is a possibility not having to remember the NPM script names in my package.json and to start them faster without having to open a terminal and typing npm run every time.
  3. Remote development over SSH. This tutorial walks you through creating and connecting to a virtual machine (VM) on Azure using the Visual Studio Code Remote - SSH extension. You'll create a Node.js Express web app to show how you can edit and debug on a remote machine with VS Code just like you could if the source code was local.
  4. The NPM script 'start' exited without indicating that the Angular CLI was listening for requests. Runs fine both release and debug mode on my production machine, but when i try to publish through visual studio 2017 to azure, i fail. I have tried to change the WEBSITENODEDEFAULTVERSION. Currently 10.6.0. Some dev details.Net.

Introduction to TypeScript?

For VS code close all windows and reopen then try 'node' command. 'npm-windows-upgrade' is not recognized as an internal or external command.

First and foremost, TypeScript is a modern day programming language. We use this programming language for large-scale JavaScript application development. We can refer to it as a typed superset of JavaScript.

The best thing about TypeScript is that you will gain access to features from recent versions of ECMAScript as well. And you may use features beyond the scope of that as well. When you compile TypeScript, you will be able to produce a version of JavaScript which is safe across all platforms.

Step by Step Explanation

1. Prerequisite

Before we kick start TypeScript project, you must set up Node JS environment in your system. If you don’t have Node JS setup then follow the given link to set up Node JS development environment in your system.

Once you are done setting up Node JS make sure it is working fine by typing the below command

2. Install Visual Studio Code

I am going to use visual studio code editor to work on TypeScript in our project.

Click here to install visual studio code.

3. Setup TypeScript using NPM

Once you are done with the installation of visual studio code, you need to create a folder which is easy to access. You can give whatever name that you find fitting. I have given the name typescript-project. Now you need to open this file in visual studio code.

You need to create two new files named index.html and app.ts in the TypeScript project folder.

Open the index.html and just add a regular HTML5 boilerplate. You need to make
sure that it has a script tag that appears right before the closing body tag.


The script tag points to app.js. However, app.js is non-existent at this point. It will get created as soon as we compile the TypeScript.

Build TypeScript Package Manager

When it comes to projects developed in TypeScript, we can take the help of a package manager like NPM. NPM helps us in several ways. First and foremost, you will be able to execute the project in a virtual environment supported by the lite server. It also helps turn the compilation of TypeScript to JavaScript into an automated process. Last but not least, NPM helps us to keep a tab on dependencies.

Open TypeScript terminal within VS code, press shift + cmd + ‘ inside VS Code. Run the below command.

You will have to input the name of the project before everything else. You may refer to the code below to see the defaults. You don’t need to worry about the defaults at all. You will have to fill up a couple of details including the description and the author. You will also have to input the entry point to your primary JS file.

Here, in this case, app.js is our entry point.

Once you are done with all the key setup parameters, you will be intimated that you are all set to make some changes to package.json. If everything looks fine, press enter once again. You will be able to see the package.json file in VS Code.

Visual Studio Npm Command

4. Testing the Package

In order to see if the package is working or not, you need to enter the below command in the terminal.

You will be greeted with a text message if the testing has been successful.


5. Adding Dependencies

We have just initialized the basic package for the project. It’s time for us to add some dependencies. And it is referred to as dev dependencies. As far as packages are concerned, there are two types of dependencies. The first type is used in development as in TypeScript. The second type is used production as in jQuery.

Npm Is Not Recognized In Visual Studio Code

We are going to install the following dependencies as dev dependencies:


As it is evident in the name, you are able to run multiple
commands concurrently.


In order to start a TypeScript project, you need this.


We are referring to a development only node server here, and it is lightweight in nature. When you alter something in JavaScript or HTML, it refreshes itself. And the changes made to the CSS will be injected via sockets.

We use the below command to install an NPM package.

If you wish to install more than one NPM packages at a time, you achieve the same by separating the packages with space. You need to run the following command to install dev dependencies.

Your package.json file will be updated automatically.

Yes, we have made some good progress as far as our project is concerned. But TypeScript compilation will not happen just yet. We are in need of a tsconfig.json file for the same. We also need to come up with a few extra commands for the project.

We need to run the given below command before we try to configure the scripts. First, you will be greeted by a “Successfully created a tsconfig.json file” message. Now when you open the VS Code you will be able to spot the tsconfig.json file.

6. Setting up the scripts

Npm Run Watch Not Working In Visual Studio Code

We have test command in the possession of our script object. When we utilize the npm test, the test command provides output. But we are going to add some additional commands that define our lite-server, TypeScript Compiler Watcher. And a start command will concurrently run several things and update the lite-server in real-time as well. As a result, the development process becomes so much easier.

So let’s take a look at the latest package.json file with script commands.

In the scripts object, we have defined the compiler and server as follows.

  • “lite”:”lite-server”Lite server
  • “tsc”:”tsc”TypeScript compiler
  • “Tsc:w”:”tsc-w”TypeScript in watch mode

We have also defined our stand command as well.

7. TypeScript Compiler in Watch Mode

Concurrently has application at this stage. The start command will take the responsibility of concurrently running lite server and TypeScript Compiler in watch mode. Once after saving the package.json, you need to start the project. And it is the final, step. Enter below command in the terminal. The start command exists in the script object will be initiated.

You will be able to see the Watching files if you haven’t made any errors in the setup. And Chrome should have already launched the project in watch mode. And all the TypeScript files will be compiled producing JavaScript output. All of a sudden you will notice the existence of an app.js file which wasn’t there before. The compiler has generated it while generating the JavaScript output.

Now we are going to make some changes in app.ts. And this should trigger some action in the terminal. You will see the lite server and the TypeScript Compiler being part of the action.

At this point onwards, whenever we alter app.ts and save it, the compiler get into action as it will convert the TypeScript into JavaScript. You can see it in app.js. Same can be witnessed in the updates happening in the lite server as well.

NPM is really convenient. For instance, once you have setup package.json, you can copy the package. And then you can run the command npm install – it will initiate the installation of all the dependencies. Now run npm start, you already have the project setup ready. You are all set to write your code! However, you should initialize tsconfig with
tsc –init before you attempt that.

To manage multiple Node.js versions on windows, you are going to use and install node-windows. After installation, you run following commands to setup specific node version:

and if you get following message
‘node’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
then read this post to troubleshoot the issue.


1. Make sure before installation, there was no existing Node.js installed on your machine. If installed then uninstall all and install nvm again.
2. During nvm installation, make sure the selected path must NOT exist.

Suppose if you selected “C:Program Filesnodejs” in installation then nodejs must NOT exist in “Program Files” folder. It will be created by setup. If there is already folder then delete it, run “nvm use” command and test it again.

3. You must run command as administrator.

“Start” > type “cmd” > right-click and “run as administrator”

4. Before install node, run “nvm on” command then install and use specific node version

5. If problem still exists, check following

It will show the selected path.

In %PATH%, both paths should be there.

In NVM_HOME path folder, you will get the node version folder (i.e. v4.7.2) which has node.exe, npm, node_modules folders…etc. If all files are there then problem to create symlink. Try to create symlink manually :

then you will get the exact error message. it may be permission issue or path already exists. so you can take action accordingly.

Hope it helps. Enjoy Node.js !!