It's not nice to draw in Markdown, try this tool to seamlessly integrate the best-used online drawing tools DrawIO and Markdown, keep documents up and running, support offline mode, and disconnect it. Supports synchronous previews and document generation, enjoy smooth graphic markdown bar. any question please to .If it can help you , don't forget to give a star at the above address.
Flowchart Maker and Online Diagram Software. (formerly is free online diagram software. You can use it as a flowchart maker, network diagram software, to create UML online, as an ER diagram tool, to design database schema, to build BPMN online, as a circuit diagram maker, and more. can import.vsdx, Gliffy™ and Lucidchart™ files.
Adrian Hour and Mark Knight - Get Down Adrian Hour, Mark Knight - Get Down (Original Mix) Mark Lower - Get Down Mark Funk - Get Down Mark Lower - Get Down Mark Knight - Get Dumb Mark Funk - j3j. Create a new file as usual in the VS Code editor, and make sure the file extension is.drawio. A new blank diagram will be shown in the embedded diagram editor. Edit a diagram within VS Code. Open the folder in which you have stored your diagram, then select the diagram.
- DrawIO is not a general-purpose SVG editor. It is an online flow chart software similar to Visio. The most powerful online software I have seen, with the most templates and the smoothest operation, the only problem is that the domestic network is a little slow, which is why the default is 'offline mode'.
- DrawIO default file format is XXX.drawio, but this format can not be directly embedded in markdown, so it is necessary to change the file name to XXX.svg. Powerful drawio can be automatically saved as SVG file with embedded editing information according to the file name type, and can be previewed directly in markdown.
- In order to achieve automatic file modification and storage (it's annoying to save files every time), this plug-in communicates with the browser window through chrome debugger interface, so you need to store the files in browser, that is, to select the storage location is to select the local browser.
- Every time you click on the icon to open the browser, you synchronize all saved files of drawio_assets/in the same directory of the current markdown file to the browser. You can choose to find these files from the browser's open function in drawio. Of course, the quicker way is to move the cursor to your image reference link in the markdown editor, and then click on the icon or Ctrl+P, so you can find the files from the browser. Move open the reference file under the cursor.
- In order not to interfere with each other, this plug-in creates a browser's independent running environment. The directory is in the. drawio-chrome folder under the project root directory opened by vscode. If you use git, it is strongly recommended that you add it to the. gitignore file.
Draio's offline mode provides basic functionality (already powerful), if you want to use the online version (providing more templates, components and locate language), you just need to delete 'offline = 1' in the address bar of the open browser window to start the online version.
create new
- install plugin
- open markdown file
- press the icon in toolbar
- wait moment to open drawio
- select 'browser' , create new
- modify the ext name,from .drawio to .svg
- you can see this file in sub dir 'drawio_assets' at you markdown file,vscode have a notice for update save.
- insert svg to markdown [stand method]
open existed
- open markdown file
- select save place: :'browser'
- you can see all file in you 'drawio_assets' dir
QUICK to open file

first,move you cursor in markdown editor to line of you want open drawio file links, then press icon, it can open the drawio file direct.
Markdown Drawio 埋め込み
在 Markdown 中画图不爽了, 尝试一下这个工具吧,可以将最好用的在线绘图工具DrawIO和 Markdown 无缝整合, 文档同步更新和保存,更支持离线模式,断网也能工作. 支持同步预览和文档生成, 享用流畅的图文 Markdown 吧. 有任何问题请到: 反馈.如果能够给你帮助,别忘了去以上地址给个星.
Draw Io Markdown
- DrawIO 不是一个通用 svg 编辑器, 它是一个类似 Visio 的在线流程图软件,我所见到的功能最强大,模板最多,操作最流畅的在线软件,唯一的问题就是在国内网络有点慢,这也是为什么默认为'离线模式'的原因.
- DrawIO 默认文件格式为 XXX.drawio, 但这个格式无法直接嵌入到 markdown 中, 因此需要将文件名改为XXX.svg, 强大的 drawio 可以根据文件名类型自动保存为内嵌编辑信息的 svg 文件,在 markdown 中可以直接预览
- 为了实现自动文件修改和保存(每次修改另存文件实在比较烦),本插件通过 chrome debugger interface 和浏览器窗口进行通讯, 因此需要您把文件存储到 browser 中,即选择存储位置是选择本地浏览器(browser).
- 每次点击图标打开浏览器时,会将当前 markdown 文件同级目录下 drawio_assets/ 的所有保存的文件同步到浏览器,你可以在 drawio 中选择从浏览器打开功能找到这些文件,当然更快捷的方法是在markdown 编辑器中把光标移动到你的图片引用链接上,然后点击图标或者 Ctrl+P ,将自动打开光标下引用文件.
- 为了多个项目不互相干扰,本插件创建了浏览器的独立运行环境,目录在 vscode 打开的项目根目录下的.drawio-chrome 文件夹下,如果你使用 git,强烈建议你将它加到 .gitignore 文件里.
drawio 的离线模式提供了基础的功能(已经很强大了),如果你想要使用在线版本(提供了更多的模板,组件以及 !! 中文语言),只需要在打开的浏览器窗口的地址栏里删除 'offline=1' 即可启动在线版本.
- 安装插件
- 打开 markdown 文件
- 点击工具栏小图标
- 稍等打开浏览器,进入 drawio
- 选 browser,新建
- 修改文件名,扩展名从.drawio 改为 .svg
- 你会在当前markdown文件夹下 的 drawio_assets 中看到这个文件,vscode 中也会有更新保存提示.
- 插入 svg 到 markdown [标准方法]
- 打开 markdown 文件
- 选择保存位置: browser 浏览器
- 选择打开已有流程图,你会看到你 drawio_assets 中所有文件
先在 markdown 编辑器中将光标定位到你想要的打开的文件行,再点击图标,将直接打开你选择的文件.
This unofficial extension integrates into VS Code.
- Edit
files in the editor. - To create a new diagram, simply create an empty
file and open it! .drawio.svg
are valid.svg
files that can be embedded in Github readme files! No export needed..drawio.png
are valid.png
files! No export needed. You should use.svg
though whenever possible - they look much better!- To convert between different formats, use the Convert To...
command. - Uses an offline version of by default.
- You can select a theme.
Editing .drawio.svg/.drawio.png Files
You can directly edit and save .drawio.svg
and .drawio.png
files. These files are perfectly valid svg/png-images that contain an embedded diagram. Whenever you edit such a file, the svg/png part of that file is kept up to date.
The logo of this extension is such a .drawio.png
file that has been created with the extension itself!
If diffs are important for you, you should prefer .drawio
and avoid .drawio.png
This extension contributes the following settings:
Available ThemesTheme 'atlas'
Theme 'Kennedy'
Theme 'min'
Theme 'dark'
Associate .svg
Files With This Editor
By default, this extension only handles *.drawio.svg
files. Add this to your VS Code settings.json
file if you want to associate it with .svg
You won't be able to edit arbitrary SVG files though - only those that have been created with or this extension!
Editing the Diagram and its XML Side by Side
You can open the same *.drawio
file with the editor and as xml file. They are synchronized, so you can switch between them as you like it. This is super pratical if you want to use find/replace to rename text or other features of VS Code to speed up your diagram creation/edit process. Use the File: Reopen With...
command to toggle between the text or the editor. You can open multiple editors for the same file.
Draw Io Markdown
- Henning Dieterichs, hediet on Github (Main Contributor / Author)
- Vincent Rouillé, Speedy37 on Github
See Also / Similar Extensions
Vscode Drawio Markdown
- - This extension relies on the giant work of Their embedding feature enables this extension! This extension bundles a recent version of
- vscode-drawio by eightHundreds.
Other Cool Extensions
If you like this extension, you might like my other extensions too:
Drawio In Markdown
- Real-Time Debugging: This extension visualizes how your code is being executed.
- Debug Visualizer: An extension for visualizing data structures while debugging.
- Tasks Statusbar: This extension adds buttons to the status bar to quickly start and kill tasks.